How Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent Falls in the Elderly

How Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent Falls in the Elderly

Falls are the second leading cause of fatal accident worldwide according to the World Health Organization. Our senior loved ones are particularly vulnerable to this through age-related risks, primarily physiological changes, sensory deficits, and cognitive impairments.

Fortunately, physical therapy can help protect your senior loved ones from these risks. As your trusted provider of outpatient therapy at home and physical therapy services in St. Augustine, Florida, we list the ways how:

  • Physical therapy can specifically screen your elderly’s risks for falls and then evaluate them for a treatment plan.
  • Help your elderly regain balance and be stronger through balance training and exercises and activities that help strengthen their muscle groups.
  • Reduce your elderly’s need for medications that may be contributing to their fall risks.
  • Patient education on how to best manage their risks as well as guide them on how to maintain their quality of life.
  • Physical therapy can also help your elderly’s fear of falling, a proven fall risk, and get their confidence back.

We can be your senior loved one’s partner in minimizing their risk for falls through our home physical therapy in Florida at PRIZM HEALTH CARE SERVICES, PA.

Our mobile outpatient therapy clinic goes to where they are most comfortable to receive care, giving them and their loved ones the peace of mind they need in these uncertain times.

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