Working from Home? Check on Your Posture


Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the majority of the world’s workforce is now working from home. Because of the virus’ severity and impact on human health, the safety of the home is more crucial than ever. Thus, onsite businesses were put on hold and adopted the work from home scheme.

In line with this, we all know that working can be very physically tiring. Whether you are a service industry or desk-job worker, physical strength is important. Aside from helping us perform well, it can also ensure the quality of our posture. An outpatient therapist would tell you that proper posture can help you to live better lives.

So, while we are all working from home, PRIZM HCS outpatient home physical therapy in Florida would like to share some friendly reminders to improve your posture while at work.

  • Sit properly and keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed
  • Keep your workstation ergonomic
  • Take breaks and stretch
  • Try core strength exercises

Learning about various exercises from physical therapy can also help you choose the best exercises and workplace habits to improve your daily life. Additionally, think about the health benefits that a good posture can give!

Experts can also share various tips on how you can improve your gait, posture, and core strength.

At PRIZM HEALTH CARE SERVICES, PA, a provider of physical therapy services in St. Augustine, Florida, we offer remote and onsite injury prevention assessments that will help optimize the functional capabilities of your employees at the workplace. For more information, get in touch with us!

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